Guidance & Counselling
Guidance and counseling
Children with special needs are those who require special care, proper attention and special facilities. Special children have physical characteristics and learning abilities that are different from normal. Children with special needs may include:
Mental Retardation.
Speech and Language problems.
Physical Disabilities.
Total number of CWSN students: – 03
Inclusive education: The school supports CWSN through inclusive education, which aims to cover all children from classes 1 to 12. The school provides services to help students and their parents.
Air Force private counselor Mrs. Niharika Dogra
Panchayat special children counselor Mrs. Sonal Kokane.
Activities and sessions:-
Individual counseling session:- how to express our feelings, what feelings should not be spoken about, we have to live in social ways.
Teaching Aids:- visual aids classroom charts, story books, diagrams, hand on learning on board, etc.
Progress and outcomes:- Classroom Interventions:- Identify needs like drinking water, going washroom, eating food with classmates etc.
Challenges:- classroom issues like lack of instructional material, and support services, teachers may need to handle difficult and emotional situations, such as when students feel frustrated, aggressive, isolated, or depressed.
Next step:- understand their needs for eg. to understand the emotional, behavioral and social needs of these children . Be patient, be empathetic .